Seminars, Workshops & Conferences

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

In-house and public seminars and interactive workshops for cross-border businesses, investments and public bodies.

Seminars, Workshops & Conferences for the Business and Investment World

Seminars, Workshops and Conferences

Shanda Consult organises and conducts seminars, workshops and conferences for the Business and Investment World as well as for Ministries and other official bodies.

Seminars and workshops focus on topics such as intercultural communication training, preparation for cross-border investments and market entries in other countries, regional markets or industry-specific introductions and training. Seminars and workshops by Shanda Consult are generally tailor-made, catering the specific needs of the clients and are conducted by wide range of internal and external experts as well as experts of our partners.

Conferences organised by Shanda Consult focus on the introduction of specific foreign markets to investors and business people and are provided by internal and associated lecturers.