Gold and Silver Charts – interactive

Watch gold, silver and EUR/USD live on the below interactive charts.

Important warning: Prices of the past do not necessarily repeat in  future. Technical analyses may not be correct or even fail under unexpected influential developments in global and national politics, crises, economic developments, natural occurrences etc.

Do only consider to invest funds that you do not need for your current live style and your liabilities.


Gold / USDollar

Globally, gold is mainly -but not only – traded based on its USD value.


Gold / EURO

European buyers often prefer to buy gold based on their own currency, Euro. Global buyers holding Euro may prefer buying gold based on Euro when the Euro is strong.


Silver / USDollar

The global majority of silver is traded in USD.


Silver / EURO

European buyers often prefer to buy silver based on their own currency, Euro. Global buyers holding Euro may prefer buying silver based on Euro when the Euro is strong


Gold / Silver

The parity of gold to silver is an important indicator when predicting possible future price development of gold against silver or silver against gold.



As gold and silver are mainly traded based on US Dollar and Euro, the EUR / USD parity is of course of interest.


Important warning: Prices of the past do not necessarily repeat in future. Technical analyses may not be correct or even fail under unexpected influential developments in global and national politics, crises, economic developments, natural occurrences etc.

Do only consider to invest funds that you do not need for your current live style and your liabilities.